H3-Pandas Intro

[ ]:
pip install h3pandas
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import h3pandas

Fetch data

We will use the NYC Taxi dataset for this demo

# Download and subset data
df = pd.read_csv('https://github.com/uber-web/kepler.gl-data/raw/master/nyctrips/data.csv')
df = df.rename({'pickup_longitude': 'lng', 'pickup_latitude': 'lat'}, axis=1)[['lng', 'lat', 'passenger_count']]

Only use the central part of the data

qt = 0.1
df = df.loc[(df['lng'] > df['lng'].quantile(qt)) & (df['lng'] < df['lng'].quantile(1-qt))
            & (df['lat'] > df['lat'].quantile(qt)) & (df['lat'] < df['lat'].quantile(1-qt))]


Basic H3 API


We can use geo_to_h3 to add an index with H3 addresses resolution 10

geo_to_h3 assumes coordinates are in epsg=4326

NOTE: geo_to_h3 also works with POINT GeoDataFrames

dfh3 = df.h3.geo_to_h3(10)
lng lat passenger_count
8a2a100d2c87fff -73.993896 40.750111 1
8a2a100d2a07fff -73.976425 40.739811 1
8a2a100d630ffff -73.968704 40.754246 5
8a2a100d629ffff -73.976601 40.751896 1
8a2a100d2557fff -73.994957 40.745079 1
df.plot.scatter(x='lng', y='lat', figsize=(6,10), alpha=0.05)
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='lng', ylabel='lat'>


We can see how many passengers fall into each H3 hexagon.

For now, we will pretend H3-Pandas does not have aggregation functions and perform the aggregations manually

dfh3 = dfh3.drop(columns=['lng', 'lat']).groupby('h3_10').sum()

We can now add a H3 hexagonal geometry to each row

gdfh3 = dfh3.h3.h3_to_geo_boundary()
passenger_count geometry
8a2a10089007fff 17 POLYGON ((-73.95877 40.78037, -73.95969 40.780...
8a2a1008900ffff 110 POLYGON ((-73.95843 40.77924, -73.95934 40.779...
8a2a10089017fff 9 POLYGON ((-73.96032 40.78070, -73.96123 40.780...
8a2a1008901ffff 97 POLYGON ((-73.95997 40.77958, -73.96088 40.779...
8a2a1008902ffff 117 POLYGON ((-73.95723 40.78003, -73.95814 40.779...
gdfh3.plot(column='passenger_count', figsize=(10, 10))


If we want to perform the analysis on a coarser resolution, we can use h3_to_parent

gdfh3_9 = gdfh3.h3.h3_to_parent(9)
passenger_count geometry h3_09
8a2a10089007fff 17 POLYGON ((-73.95877 40.78037, -73.95969 40.780... 892a1008903ffff
8a2a1008900ffff 110 POLYGON ((-73.95843 40.77924, -73.95934 40.779... 892a1008903ffff
8a2a10089017fff 9 POLYGON ((-73.96032 40.78070, -73.96123 40.780... 892a1008903ffff
8a2a1008901ffff 97 POLYGON ((-73.95997 40.77958, -73.96088 40.779... 892a1008903ffff
8a2a1008902ffff 117 POLYGON ((-73.95723 40.78003, -73.95814 40.779... 892a1008903ffff

Again, we pretend that we cannot use aggregation functions and perform the operations manually.

gdfh3_9 = gdfh3_9.set_index('h3_09').groupby('h3_09').sum().h3.h3_to_geo_boundary()
passenger_count geometry
892a1008903ffff 350 POLYGON ((-73.95912 40.78149, -73.96123 40.780...
892a1008907ffff 611 POLYGON ((-73.95688 40.77891, -73.95899 40.777...
892a100890bffff 286 POLYGON ((-73.96340 40.78138, -73.96551 40.780...
892a100890fffff 686 POLYGON ((-73.96116 40.77879, -73.96327 40.777...
892a1008917ffff 544 POLYGON ((-73.95485 40.78160, -73.95695 40.780...
gdfh3_9.plot(column='passenger_count', figsize=(10, 10))

H3-Pandas Extended API: The same workflow, streamlined

The entire above workflow can be performed in one line using aggregation functions of H3-Pandas, namely - h3.geo_to_h3_aggregate - h3.h3_to_parent_aggregate

gdfh3_9_alt = df.h3.geo_to_h3_aggregate(10, return_geometry=False).h3.h3_to_parent_aggregate(9)
gdfh3_9_alt.plot(column='passenger_count', figsize=(10, 10))